Making People Smile One Gnome At A Time

My little Gnome business started by accident. Last year (2020) I was starting my own fall decorating and came upon these little gnomes popping up everywhere I went. In my head I thought, I can totally make these....🙈😂. Oh my, after many, many, many tries, I finally got the hang of it. Because of my many attempts and my growing love for these little guys, I soon had myself a little army of gnomes. Not knowing what I was going to do with this little army, I enlisted my precious nephews and niece to load them up and we headed to our little town's annual Christmas parade. We handed them out to little kiddos that looked as if they could use a little extra smile in their life. Let me tell you, it was a life changing experience and from there, my army continues to grow.

My wonderful husband suggested that I share the smiles throughout the year with this little shop!

So, periodically throughout the year, I will put items that haven't found a home yet on sale for 50% off. After that, they will head to stay with Santa until we our now traditional smile parade!

Thank you for visiting my shop! I appreciate each and every one of you!

*Just so everyone knows, any gnome that is given to a child has been made “safe” by removing any small accessories or potentially dangerous items!
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